Well 2020 is thankfully behind us and it's looking more promising as 2021 progresses. Some of the tours and concerts that were postponed last year are being talked about again and with some schedules already confirmed for 2021 which is great! While all work was cancelled last year i managed my time by writing new material and continued to upload new videos to my YouTube channel,10 new videos in total during lock-down and i am playing all instruments,programming and mixing by myself only. Please do have a listen and subscribe to the channel today.
While i continue to work on new album material my "From Gray to Blue"album is still currently available at Bandcamp as a physical Cd (limited) and digital download.
My request is that you take a moment to listen today to the tracks or videos from the links above and i look forward to seeing and working with you in the near future.
In the meantime please take care of yourself and thank you for your continued support!
Kind Regards and Best Wishes,
Seán Whelan.